Lucas Russell | 2019-12-15
Before signing up with your lease accounting software solution, some due diligence is encouraged. The most crucial aspect of any lease accounting software is the numbers it produces from the contractual data.
Here at Cradle, we are 100% transparent in calculating the lease liability and, in turn, the right-of-use asset.
To demonstrate the accuracy of Cradle's numbers, we thought there would be no better way to compare to figures produced by the standard setters themselves!
Given the complexity of the standard, The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has provided several calculation examples to demonstrate how to calculate the lease liability and right of use asset. This is ideal for Cradle as it allows us to display the work we have done to ensure we comply with these figures to the cent.
The purpose of this document is to show you how Cradle’s lease calculation methodology works and how it’s 100% in compliance with that of IFRS, including all journal entries.
The IASB's IFRS 16 illustrative examples provide clarity on judgment areas such as:
From Cradle’s perspective, we’ll leave those judgemental areas to you.
What we've focused on are those IFRS examples that highlight the calculation methodology prescribed by IFRS. We’ve ensured our numbers are consistent with IFRS’s methodology to the cent unless there’s a logical reason for diverging. The benefit of using Cradle is you can be assured this methodology can be applied to your entire portfolio with no susceptibility to human error.
So we’ll walk you through each applicable IFRS example and compare Cradle’s numbers to those of IFRS, and we’re happy to say Cradle is actually more accurate than those writing the standard!
What is the day count convention? Unless you have intricate experience with investments such as calculating bonds, you're unlikely to have heard of day count conventions. All present value calculations, including those functions in Excel, apply a day count convention.
Investopedia defines it as
In finance, a day count convention determines how interest accrues over time for a variety of investments, including bonds, notes, loans, mortgages, medium-term notes, swaps, and forward rate agreements (FRAs). This determines the number of days between two coupon payments, thus calculating the amount transferred on payment dates and also the accrued interest for dates between payments.
This is important as the day count convention is the foundation of a present value calculation, which is how the lease liability is calculated.
When using Cradle, you can select which calculation method you prefer, Actual/365 fixed or Actual/Actual ISDA. Microsoft Excel uses Actual/365 fixed when using the built-in XNPV function, which means it slightly miscalculates interest on leap years because it assumes that every year is exactly 365 days. However, in Cradle, you can also use Actual/Actual ISDA. This convention takes into account the extra day when applicable. In short, if you would like our numbers to perfectly match yours in Excel, select Actual/365 fixed. If you want that extra accuracy, select Actual/Actual ISDA.
The difference would never be "material" enough to bother auditors, but we offer you the option so you can choose for yourself.
At Cradle, our biggest priority is the numbers we produce are correct. The IFRS examples we think are a great way to show you that our numbers are compliant. We also encourage you to perform your recalculations.
If requested, our demo accounts will come with the below examples to run the financial statement reports for yourself. The below is best read in conjunction with the IFRS Illustrative examples.
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
Example 13 initial recognition journals
Part 2 - Subsequent measurement and accounting for a change in the lease term
To account for the modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2025-1-1:
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
Part 2 —Variable lease payments dependent on an index and variable lease payments linked to sales
To account for the modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2019-12-31:
On 2021-1-1:
Example 15 provides an example of when a renegotiation of lease terms results in a new lease instead of applying modification accounting to the existing lease. Adding a new lease in Cradle is easier than saying “123”
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
To account for the modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2025-1-1:
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
To account for the decrease in scope - asset size modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2024-1-1:
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
Decrease in the lease term
To account for the decrease in scope - lease term modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2024-1-1:
Increase in the leased space
To account for the increase in scope - lease term modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2024-1-1:
These are the following initial recognition details entered into Cradle:
Calculation methodology:
Modification that is a change in consideration only
To account for the modification the following information is entered into Cradle:
On 2024-1-1:
Unfortunately, the IFRS 16 Illustrative Example does not provide any figures to compare against. The prescribed treatment by the standard Cradle complies with. Which is:
During the term of the sublease, the intermediate lessor recognizes both finance income on the sublease and interest expense on the head lease.
Again, the IFRS 16 Illustrative Examples provide no figures to compare against. When accounting for an operating sublease in Cradle, it follows the prescribed guidelines:
During the term of the sublease, the intermediate lessor: